Bikatsu NMN

NMN with rejuvenating potential.
Contains ingredients for women in pursuit of beauty.

NMN is attracting attention from researchers around the world as an ingredient for maintaining youth. This NMN is expected to promote cellular energy production, DNA repair, and delay aging.
This NMN supplement is especially selected for women to lead them to youthful beauty and radiant whiteness guided from within with vitality.

Bikatsu NMN

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Bikatsu NMN10000<br />JPY 98,000

Bikatsu NMN10000
JPY 98,000

In addition to soy isoflavone and pomegranate extract, which are great for female hormones. As brightening ingredients, glutathione and L-cystine derived from yeast are included in this supplement that leads to transparency for women.

Bikatsu NMN20000<br />JPY 158,000

Bikatsu NMN20000
JPY 158,000

In addition to soy isoflavone and pomegranate extract, which are great for female hormones. As brightening ingredients, glutathione and L-cystine derived from yeast are included in this supplement that leads to transparency for women.

It is a Bikatsu NMN supplement for women.
It is a Bikatsu NMN supplement for women.
Beauty supplements, which contain NMN and pacloe-eragic acid as key ingredients, support cell rejuvenation and revitalization for effective skin aging care NMN acts as a precursor to NAD+ in the body, aiding cellular energy production and enhancing systemic function.

Ellagic acid is a powerful antioxidant that protects the skin from free radicals and reduces signs of aging. In addition, soy isoflavones have a structure similar to female hormones and are expected to help maintain skin firmness and elasticity, along with supporting hormone balance.

Glutathione, an antioxidant produced by the body, is highly effective in detoxifying cells and helps improve skin brightness and clarity along with L-cystine. Together, these ingredients are expected to promote health from the inside out and help maintain a youthful and beautiful appearance on the outside. This is the ideal supplement for those who want to combine beauty and health.